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Pedestrian Accidents

A pedestrian being struck by a car is a very serious thing. With nothing to protect a human walking on a sidewalk or crossing a street from the heavy and often quickly moving car, pedestrians are often left with debilitating injuries. When a pedestrian is struck by a driver, there are few different variables that may put the fault of the injuries on either the pedestrian or the driver of the vehicle. The fault is often blamed on the pedestrian if a person jaywalks across a street. Every year, thousands of people are killed from being struck by a car after jaywalking. Jaywalking is a misdemeanor that requires appearance in a court of law. Other pedestrian-caused accidents involve a person ignoring traffic signals or darting into the roadway chasing a pet or child.

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Drivers are often held responsible for pedestrian/car accidents if they ignore crosswalks and traffic signals. Drivers most commonly strike pedestrians at intersections, where they are often looking left at oncoming traffic, waiting to turn right. When they see it is clear to turn, drivers do not often look into the crosswalk before moving their vehicles and end up colliding with pedestrians. Drivers will also be at fault for pedestrian collisions that include ignoring school bus signals and not yielding to pedestrians already crossing the street.

Injuries From Pedestrian/Car Accidents

Pedestrians have nothing to protect them in the event of an accident with a moving vehicle. Serious injuries from being struck by a car include brain trauma, spinal injuries, mental impairments and sadly, death. Often times, pedestrians sustain leg injuries such as fractures from impact with the bumper of cars. These injuries can have long-lasting effects on the victim and medical costs can be high. Pedestrians always have right-of-way, regardless if they are jaywalking or not. If you or someone you know has been struck by a car or been involved in a pedestrian accident, you have rights. You should be fully compensated for your losses and injuries and hiring a personal injury attorney can gain help you receive justice for your accident.

Our Attorneys Are Available 24/7 for Victims Across Los Angeles County

Our legal team understands that accidents and injuries can change lives. That's why we make ourselves readily available to help victims when they're in need - whenever they are in need. If you or a loved one has been injured as a pedestrian, don't hesitate to reach out to us as soon as possible. We're available 24/7 and can discuss your rights immediately. We can even make home or hospital visits if you can't make it to us.

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