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Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle riders are susceptible to serious injuries when involved in a collision with a passenger vehicle or truck. Riders often have a forceful impact with pavement, railings or the other vehicle involved in the crash itself. Severe road rash, spinal injuries, fractures and broken bones, disfigurement and traumatic brain injuries are often a result of motorcycle accidents. Medical bills can quickly add up and the road to recovery can be long and painful. If a motorcycle rider is fortunate enough to walk away from the crash site with little or minimal injuries, the damages done to their motorcycle can total the bike or be incredibly costly to repair.

What do I do if I've been involved in a motorcycle accident?
If you have been involved in an accident, there are few important steps you should take. These include:

1) Contact emergency services immediately if you or someone else involved has been hurt.
2) If there was another vehicle involved, take note of the driver's vehicle and insurance information.
3) Ask for witnesses' names and statements and be careful what you discuss with the driver involved.
4) If you wish to file a claim for damages, speak with an attorney first.

Often times, insurance companies will try their hardest to deny the case or reduce the amounts owed to you in the claim. They may offer a replacement of the motorcycle if the bike has been totaled, but this will simply get rid of evidence that could benefit your case. Make sure that you keep all medical records and cost estimates of repairs to your bike if you plan to file a personal injury claim. Contacting an experienced personal injury lawyer can help you receive the full benefits due to you for your loss and injuries.

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